Seek God first and all else will be given to you

Seek God first and all else will be given to you

You were lied by churches and religious institutes.

They simply are a perverted political scene where their only purpose is to control their followers.

The churches are fake, but God is real. However, very different than how you imagined Him to be.

The biggest lie religions tell you is that God is EXTERNAL to you. By doing this, they separate you from God.

This is the biggest lie and the main reason why people cannot find God:

because they are looking on the outside.

The reality is that God is within you. You search for Him outside of yourself and you will never find Him.

They tell you God is in a church, or God is in the Sky, or God is anywhere else but inside of you.

Why is this important?

What does this have to do with high performance?


The reality is that being a high performer is extremely difficult. There’s a reason majority isn’t.

You have to go through hell and back.

And while you’re in hell, and you feel like you’re not going to make it and you feel terrible and you want to just fucking quit…

You access the power of God.

The God that lives inside of you.

Getting closer to God means getting closer to this power.

And if God is inside of you... doesn’t that make Him a part of you?

And if He is a part of you, doesn’t that mean that God is you and you are God?

And if everything is possible to God,

Doesn’t that mean that everything is possible to you?


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