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The best thing that can happen to you is to consistently fail!

You know why most people fail? It’s because they give up.

But you know why people give up? Because at one point, they decided that the effort they sustained became unbearable.

This is why motivation is fake and you shouldn’t rely on it:

Because it doesn’t take you all the way to the finish line.

Motivation is great to start, but motivation disappears when you meet the slightest obstacle.

You have this idea in your mind that your journey will be fun, you will grind, you will work and you will see the results.

But what if you don’t see the results?

What if the work just gets harder and the results still refuse to appear?

What happens when you have 5 meetings during a day, 5 tasks to finish and you are behind?

You feel stressed. You instantly want to give up.

A toxic behaviour is believing that you should feel peace or that the journey should feel natural.

This keeps you stuck for years but, guess what, that’s a lie!

The road to success is filled with stress. And the higher you climb the ladder, the more stress you need to manage.

The ONLY way win is to hardcode your mind and make it love stress.

When things weren’t going well for me, I observed that I was sad and disappointed.

I was disappointed because I wasn’t where I thought I would be.

So I intentionally shifted my mindset:

I decided that the default state is pain, stress, suffering and failure.


I decided that I will never achieve success AND (here’s the trick),

I will work hard ANYWAY.

My game plan was to decide and believe that I will constantly fail and even so, I will continue to work hard.

The mainstream world will think it’s madness. It’s against any self help book.

But by doing this, I became familiar with stress and failure and to my surprise, I started to see results.

When you work hard and don’t care about the results, a win will surprise you.

It will feel good and special.

It will no longer feel expected and you will no longer take it for granted.

But you will be grateful for it. And being grateful for even the smallest win is the Universal Alchemy that brings you more wins.

The more stress you feel, the better.

The more pain you feel, the better.

The more you fail, the better.

Expect failure, work hard and don’t stop.

And enjoy the surprises that come your way.


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